Trauma Psychotherapy

What is trauma psychotherapy?

I deliver trauma psychotherapy in a three phased approach. How long we spend in each phase will vary according to each individual needs. The three phases are:

Phase 1

Safety and Stabilisation. This includes psychoeducation, developing tools and coping strategies and building your internal and external resources. The emphasis on this phase is on developing a safe environment enabling you to process your trauma.

Phase 2

Trauma Processing. This includes making sense of the trauma, developing mastery and working towards increasing control over the traumatic memories and moving towards shifting the memories into the past tense rather than an ongoing intrusive present.

Phase 3

Integration. This includes consolidating all the skills, knowledge, and self-awareness and creating new meanings of yourself, world and how you relate to others.

What is the difference between psychotherapy and trauma psychotherapy?

Both in psychotherapy and trauma psychotherapy the relationship is collaborative and goal oriented. The difference between these ways of working is in trauma psychotherapy the focus will be on the trauma that is impacting the client’s life. With complex or developmental trauma emotional regulation will be part of treatment.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions will vary, however after we have completed an assessment an approximate number of sessions will be discussed with your treatment plan so you can have a rough guide of how long your treatment will be.

How long are the sessions?

The sessions will vary between 1 hour and 1 ½ Hours.

Trauma Psychotherapy Modalities

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (TF CBT)

This modality challenges unhealthy thought processes and emotions. It focuses on the impacts of trauma and will work with the memories of the trauma and internal and external triggers. The goal of therapy is to work towards rebuilding or reclaiming your life.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)

(Trauma) This modality aims to help process distressing, traumatic memories by facilitating the brains natural healing process. During EMDR therapy for trauma individuals are asked to recall a traumatic event whilst receiving stimuli in a rhythmic left-right pattern. The stimuli can be something you hear, see, or feel.

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)

This modality is a cognitive behaviour based treatment for survivors of multiple and complex traumas. Exploring traumatic events within a chronological concept will enable individuals to begin to repair negative associations and responses.

Prolonged Exposure (PE)

This modality is a cognitive behaviour based based treatment based on approaching trauma related memories, feelings, and situations that individuals tend to avoid out of fear. The exposure element of this model is a gradual process.

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

This modality is a cognitive behaviour-based treatment focusing on individuals who are stuck in their thoughts about their trauma (s). This model believes that PTSD symptoms come from conflicts between individuals’ belief systems before and after trauma.

Image Rescripting & Reprocessing Therapy (IRRT)

This modality is a treatment for survivors of multiple and complex traumas and is broken down into four main components which include imaginal exposure, imaginal re-scripting, self-calming / nurturing imagery and cognitive processing. This model aims to decrease trauma related symptoms emotional processing of the traumatic memories as well as working towards modifying maladaptive beliefs and increasing the individual’s ability to self sooth.

Inner Child

This modality is a treatment for developmental trauma which addresses past wounds by exploring the needs that may not have been met as a child which can be provided for now by the adult. The work within the session involves compassion and self-acceptance.

Get in touch

If you would like more information on the services I offer or to book an initial consultation please get in touch.

You can call me on 07903613669 or leave a message here.

© Sarah Devine

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